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About The Author

Grace Jarman was born in Morgantown, WV, where she currently lives with her husband and three young children. Grace was an elementary teacher and has many years of teaching experience, including 13 years with PreK children. The loss of her family's beloved dog, LuLu, inspired Grace to return to her love of painting. While painting pictures of her family's gone too soon pets, she realized the paintings were helping create conversations with her children about their loss. Knowing other children may also benefit from these same conversations involving their own pets, she decided to turn her works into a children's book.

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Book Description


The Fly On The Wall: Gone Too Soon is an engaging picture book that can help navigate conversations about the grief that comes with losing a beloved pet. Through relatable watercolor illustrations and simple text, the reader will journey from the inevitable sadness of putting a pet to sleep to the peace found in keeping the cheerful memories alive in their heart. With "a fly on the wall" view of a veterinarian's office, the many emotions surrounding the loss of a pet by a young person can begin to be discussed and processed with this book.

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For questions or inquiries:


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The Fly On the Wall

Gone Too Soon

A children's book about the loss of a pet

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Website photos by Hannah Hicks Photography 

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